Old driver can cause a lot of problems, first of all, we recommend you to update the driver in the event that you are experiencing any problems. The following tips will help you to update your hardware drivers.
Note, old driver can be installed even on new computers, because updates are released frequently. Some games and programs can work properly on older drivers, but problems may be occurred in other games and programs.
There are three ways to update the driver.
You can update the driver using the Update Windows. You may need to set up automatically download and install recommended updates. To install an updated driver, follow these steps.
Click the Update Windows. In order to do this, click the Start button. In the search box, type Update, and then in the list of results, click the Update Windows.
Click Check for Updates. If updates are available, click on the appropriate links to get more information about each update. Each type of update might include drivers.
Select the check boxes for all the drivers to be installed, and then click OK. Note that the available updates for drivers may not be.
On the Windows Update page click Install updates. Administrator permission is required. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. Windows Update will notify the successful installation of updates.
It's a good idea to install the software from the device manufacturer. For example, if the disk supplied to the device, then it can contain software that installs a driver for that device.
The method of self loading and updating the driver is used to install the driver that you downloaded from the Web site of the manufacturer. This should be done if Windows Update does not find a driver for the device, and the device does not include software installs the drivers.
Take a note, when installing some updates, you should restart your computer.
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